1.The key point of this debate lies in the question of whether "li" (principle) can be active.
2.Autoantibodies have long been used as diagnosis markers in autoimmune disease, and are thought to be the key point of the pathogenesis.
3.The key point, at the moment, should be to try to stop either side from doing things that make a future peace deal actually impossible.
4.The correct display of data is often a key point for interpreting the results of experimental procedures.
5.'The president of the United States ought to stand up and take a position . . . The key point here is to lead.
6.At present, China is carrying on the Medical Insurance System Reform, but the question of expense control is also the key point of it.
7.The key point of treating warm diseases is expelling pathogen, and of the total letting-out-therapy is particularly important.
8.In the point, design stage is the key point to reduce and optimize life cycle cost of a project and enhance project value.
9.The key point is that it would not be the real Shenzhen and a sports event does not warrant such a "tidy" city.
10.And perhaps that is the key point: it is perfectly possible to pursue one's creative ambitions in tandem with a bit of mundane wage-slavery.